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Clearly, writing comes with the English Studies territory. As I continued my education, I realized that my favorite writing projects were the ones I could share with other people. Some of these projects, like the ones I presented at conferences, involved plenty of research. I was lucky enough to present about writing center histories at the National Conference on Peer Tutoring and Writing (NCPTW) in the fall of 2013 and about using social media to discuss citations at the Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference (SWCA) in the spring of 2015. I loved that these projects could directly affect a community that is always willing to talk about scholarship, teaching, and writing. You can find more information about them by clicking the "Conference Presentations" button. 

I have also worked on several other projects in my undergraduate and graduate classes that I loved and am proud of. For instance, in undergrad, I took a Chaucer class and wrote a paper about the Pardoner and a Tolkien class and wrote a paper on the significance of the hobbits names. You can learn more about these projects and read some of them by clicking the "Undergraduate Projects" button.


My favorite writing project in grad school was my MA Culminating Project titled "Accessibility in Classrooms: Theorizing What Borrowing from Museums Might Look Like," which examines what museums do to be more accessible to visitors who have low vision or are blind and finds ways to use those strategies in the English classroom. (I admit that I need to work on my creative titles, but at least it's direct.) It was my favorite paper to write because it contains aspects of memoir and because I felt like it could make a difference. In a way, it has. I use some of those strategies in my English 11 and English 12 classes. If you would like to discuss this paper with me or read some of it, please feel free to contact me.


Finally, in undergrad and grad school, I took a few creative writing courses. I loved those courses because I could create, explore, and talk about writing. I recently got back into writing creatively. You can learn more about my writing by clicking the "Publications" button.

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